Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Things in my back pack

Before the age of technology one could enjoy the simple life
and travel with a only a copy of the Reader's Digest in one's pocket.

Today my carry on bag contains

1. My laptop
2. Wireless mouse
3. A long power cord and adaptor
4. Surge protector
5. Vehicle power adapter
6. Web Camera
7. 2 sets of Head phones
8. Retractable cable lock
9. Extra extension cord
10. Electrical Plug adapter for Europe
11. Digital Camera
12. Blank CD's
....really quite ridiculas....


  1. forgot the replacement keyboard,tv,microwave and printer!!

    Seriously... what about extra batteries for the camera. do you want our video camera?

  2. That's a lot of stuff you have to carry to ensure your blog readers are able to keep up on your exciting travel adventure! We thank you!

  3. Oops - didn't know how to work this new fandangled comment page - my comment above - Catherine!!!
