He is from Haiti and was the one who opened his home to our daughter when she moved there a year ago to be with her children. The first week in Haiti, Karen and her friend (another nurse who also was in the Haitian adoption nightmare), lived in his home along with his mother and sisters, while these two brave women helped out in the Holy Angels Hospice where he works, each with their children around their ankles. This is a hospice for terminally and chronically ill orphans who will never be adopted. He is very happy guy and always has a big smile on his face. How wonderful that these children have him to care for them. He also was so good in driving Karen and her friend from place to place in Haiti, and helping them communicate with those in authority to try to speed up the children's passports. Haiti is a county where the temperature seldom goes below 30 degrees. It was awesome to watch him see his first snow, to wear
a touque and to ride a snowmobile across a frozen lake.
He still can not figure out how they can fish through a hole in the lake.....
He leaves this winter wonderland (yes I am seeing it through different eyes) on Saturday, which also just happens to be the one year anniversary of M and A coming home. Can it really be a whole year......how could this year have gone so fast while the 2 years before they got home, seemed to last a lifetime.
what can we say about people that are so gracious and compassionate? - this Johnny is a very amazing person and he made a difference in your daughter's life and yours and helped save two children...so amazing! thanks for sharing.