Saturday, June 20, 2009

What is it? What do you do with it?

This is the algae that has accumualted on Lake Pelletier this spring. It was all over the lake but the southwestern winds seem to blow it to our end. I have never seen it this bad in many years and it is really disgusting. You can see a dead fish in picture #2, and a dead beaver was found near this as well. I am not sure about the beaver as he may have died of natural causes but who knows.
I have heard a lot of different senarios on the algae such as it is caused by not a hot enough spring when the ice melts. I have heard not enough oxygen in the water.
Some say a good rain will remove it, others say lightening will destroy it too.
But right now it just sits and looks at me through my front window. My grandchildren want to play in the water, the boat gets pretty scummy and we complain a lot.
My thought is maybe when you fiddle with the natual ecosystem of a lake by digging up the south area where all the birds, fish and animals live, when you dig out part of the lake to make a canal into where new homes are to be built , you are disturbing the natural cleaning process the lake does and this is just the start of the destruction of Lake Pelletier. Don't say we did not warn YOU!


  1. I am thinking you are right Cheryl - humans screw it up and nature tries to fix it but there is only so much nature can deal with! Indeed!

  2. That is disgusting! Who would want to swim in that!
    I hope you have a few lightning storms before we come.
